Small business Internet marketing just isn’t what it used to be. When the Internet first started becoming standard in homes, just a pay per click ad would be your entire on-line marketing strategy. Now, marketing and bringing traffic to your website is much more important, and much more complicated. There are many more options, all of them easily doable. You will be able to bring in high traffic to your business if you just take advantage of all of the ways you can market your business on-line, many of them for free.

There are numerous ways in which you can market your small business on the Internet, such as

• Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO,

• Pay per click advertising

• Blogs, articles, forums

• and Social network marketing

By investing a little bit of time and money into these marketing ideas for your small business, you can communicate with your customers and stand out from your competitors. Once you have your website set up with all of the information that your customers will be looking for, you can begin to direct traffic to your small business website.

The most important search engines to target for search engine optimization are Bing, Yahoo, and of course, Google. This is usually the first step small business owners take when it comes to bringing traffic to their business websites. You should make sure that consumers will find you when they search for key terms related to your business. When users make a search request, they receive a number of links relevant to their search terms. You want your website link to be as close to the first result as possible. There are many ways to improve your ranking, such as using META tags in your website coding.

Purchasing pay per click ads is another way to create traffic for your small business website. You can usually pay a few cents for every time someone clicks your ad. Paid placement and inclusion are other paid marketing strategies that can help you rank higher in search engine link results or host sites.

One of the more recent, and most successful methods of small business marketing using the Internet is to utilize social networking. Facebook and LinkedIn, Twitter and MySpace are all great social media websites that will help you connect with your target audience. You will be able to ask questions and answer them, and take feedback and suggestions from your customers. You can also tell your customers , fans, and followers about any special promotions or events your business has so they can get a head start on your deals. Social networking also helps you create a bond of trust between your customers and your business.